As a proud First Nations Cree, Bill Ward is no stranger to struggle, adversity, confusion, and ultimately overwhelming triumph. Known as a mentor, change-maker, and recovery activist, Bill has worked tirelessly to beat the odds against him and build a life that fulfills him while helping other people achieve spiritual and personal growth.

In a search for happiness, Bill followed the path that he believed was paved for him. He worked tirelessly to build a successful company, become wealthy, and create a family. It wasn’t until after this that Bill noticed that his ability to achieve happiness was tarnished by a spiritual sickness. For Bill, like most people, no amount of wealth or success could fill the hole left by the disconnectedness from his culture. 

Bill recalls a trip he took with his father to find his brother. Stricken with alcoholism and drug addiction, his brother had gone missing on the cold streets of Winnipeg. Bill and his father searched for him until they ended up in a rough area of town. To enter the home and retrieve his brother, Bill was forced to do drugs. After finding his brother, the trio returned home to Calgary with one dark secret: Bill’s overwhelming craving for the drug that he was forced to do. 

Before he knew it, Bill was consumed by thoughts of the drug. Over time, it became a steady feature in Bill’s life. Over the next five years, the drug rippled through Bill’s career, family, and livelihood like a tornado. He lost his wealth, toys, family, and self-respect. The underlying factor of the drug use and intense internal satisfaction was a result of Bill’s deep spiritual crisis. Bill knew that he had a loving, kind, and caring heart, but didn’t know how to embrace those attributes. 

As Bill started to get clean, he did a lot of personal work. This included uncovering and healing from past trauma, embracing his authenticity, and accepting his past and present.

Bill now works closely with other alcoholics and addicts – teaching them about the disease and uncovering the spiritual sickness that manifested itself in substance abuse. Bill offers 1-1 consultations and an intense journey to recovery. 

On his website, Bill acknowledges how difficult it can be to let resentment go, face fears, and forgive those who have done you wrong. However, he believes that these steps will lead to an easy and more fulfilling life. He understands that recovery is a lifelong journey and an uphill battle. There is no graduation, but instead, a reward of a fulfilling and happy life. 

When meeting addicts who are looking to embark on a new journey, Bill provides unmatched services because he’s been there. His life has also been intertwined and stricken with substance abuse and loss; however, he has overcome these struggles and become stronger, more successful, and dedicated to helping others. Bill now embraces and celebrates his heritage as a First Nations Cree.

Bill states, “My truth is, and has always been, based in the fundamental idea of love.” A powerful and moving statement that provides other recovering addicts and struggling individuals with hope that resentment, discontentment, restlessness, bitterness, and blame can be left on the other side. 

Bill works closely with the Indigenous people to help them lean on their unique and beautiful culture while overcoming their struggles. As he recalls reacquainting with his culture, “In 2015, I stood next to a powwow drum and the singers. I felt it. It was in my DNA. This culture. The culture that I didn’t understand. I’ve been a seeker of culture and creator ever since. Spirituality has been a game-changer for me and the hundreds of others I’ve worked with. It’s not about a mental health crisis as much as it’s a spiritual health crisis.” 

For more information on Bill Ward, recovery, and changing your life, visit

Article by Celina Dawdy