Edmonton Gay Pride: Oilers Captain in Parade

If you are looking for something fantastic to do this weekend, Saturday, June 7th kicks off Gay Pride week in Edmonton, Alberta. But no longer does Gay Pride week in Edmonton simply just consist of a parade, the week now consists of concerts, music, theatre, comedy nights, barbecue, mixers and dodge ball games. Of course, the parade is still considered the event that simply can’t be missed.
The parade starts Saturday at noon at 107th Street and 102nd Avenue, ending up at Churchill Square, where the festivities continue until 8 p.m. To take in all of the festivities, you can buy yourself a Pride Pass for the price of $50. When: Friday, June 6 to Sunday, June 15. Where: Various venues. Admission: Free and ticketed. See for information on location and times for all of the city’s events.
Don’t Miss Edmonton Oiler’s Captain in the Gay Pride Parade
For the first time, Edmonton Oilers Captain will be marching in the Gay Pride Parade this saturday. It is a milestone for both the oilers and Gay Pride.
Ference will be joining Camp fYrefly, and representing the You Can Play team — a campaign dedicated to eradicating homophobia in sports.
“You Can Play has fundamentally changed the way the NHL players think and act,” Ference said.
“We understand the important role we can play in ending discrimination within sports and society…When we work, play and live together without discrimination it makes our entire community stronger and more productive.”
At SOS Safety Magazine, we are proud supporters of Gay rights – in particular in schools and the creation of Gay Straight Alliances in schools.
Over 4,000 GSAs now exist in the United States. In fact, 1 in 10 high schools in the US has a GSA! In Canada, Ontario and Manitoba both have legislation supporting a student’s legal right to start a GSA and name it as such in their school. In Alberta, Edmonton Public Schools has a Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity policy, which supports students who want to start GSAs in their schools. As a result, there are now over 20 GSAs in the Edmonton Public School District. The Alberta Teachers’ Association also has a policy encouraging school boards to support GSAs in all schools where students request them.